Etching process

Etching is a "subtractive" method used for the production of printed circuit boars (PCB). Acid is used to remove unwanted copper from the board. This is done by applying a "temporary mask" that protects the tracks from the acid and leaves the desired copper layer untouched on the PCB board. The equipment that used for this etching process are Ferric chloride liquid, plastic container and abrasive paper. The etching process are shown in figure below.

Added enough ferric chloride liquid at the bottom of a plastic container to cover the circuit board.

Put the board copper side up in the plastic container filled with ferric chloride liquid. Slowly shake the plastic container around 5-10 minutes.

It will be notice the copper begin to dissolve slowly.

This shake process will takes about 5-10 minutes  to make sure the unwanted copper off from the surface of the board.

After complete the procedures to etching the circuit board, the circuit board was washed using water.

At the same time, the circuit board must be scrubbed using abrasive paper to remove the unwanted toner.

The result after etching the board shown in figure below. 

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